
The Unveiling: The Best is Yet to Come

Resonance is metaphor writ large. And I hope dear reader, that this letter resonates with you.

Everyone talks about how change is the only constant thing. And some people add that if you are not changing, learning, and moving out of your comfort zone, that you are not growing. Well, today is not about what people said. Or what people are saying. It is about what I am saying- that I am changing, and growing, and moving forward. That I want to grow. And If this is something you as well desire- to grow and improve, then follow me.

What is a journey without the first step?

You may know me, and know what I do. Or not. However, I will introduce myself.

I am Aigbedion Favour, a Web developer with a pinpoint skill set that I use to develop interactive products on the web. I’ve contributed to over 400 Web2 websites.

And in case you don’t know what web2 is, don’t be alarmed; I will explain what it means in simple sentences that encapsulates what I do.

Web 2.0 is the term used to describe the second generation of the World Wide Web that enables people to collaborate and share information online. It allows people to participate in web activities rather than spectate. Every website and social media network you know today falls under this category. And over the years I built these kinds of websites for individuals and businesses.

My passion for helping people led me to building websites. I discovered that many times people are just looking for someone who would sit and listen to their ideas, and give honest feedback. I made it a point of duty to be helpful to prospects and clients alike, as I see this as my way of giving back.

Having shown you who I am and how my journey began, I hope you will trust me to take this journey further. And most importantly, I hope you will come with me.

But just before then, my special thanks go to all my day one clients for giving me a chance when I was very much early in my career.

I came into this space because my passion pushed me to realize that there was no better way to contribute to the progress of the world than to serve the needs of people. All you need is space, time, and opportunity. Web2 was that space.

The most fascinating thing about this space that I can’t stop yapping about is the opportunity it affords mere men to take part in what used to be reserved for a few. Follow me.

Something Interesting

The Internet was originally developed for military operations. It was developed to be a megamind for the US military Intelligence. But it has not remained only as the property of an army. The internet has become an innovation that unintendedly changed the lives of men. Mine inclusive.

So from military megamind to Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now to the promising Web 3.0, you know there is much for us to explore.

I am sure you can feel the excitement as I describe this gem that transcends space and time. Web2 is a gem. But I didn’t get here – to this level of excitement in one day. I thank God for the opportunity. And for the gift of grit.

The Hands that steady the child

The bliss of the trip is in the embrace of the people you travel with. And as I reflect on my journey so far, I cannot forget the hands that steadied my walk. That gave me balance and lifts. That gave me a push and a rise. And the hands that steered my course.

In the words of Modupe Odele in this tweet:

I am one of the blessed ones. And my blessing was none other than my boss Taye Shobajo.

Taye guided me early in my career. He taught me most of what I know and gave me opportunities to learn and grow.

And to him, I say thank you for the joy in this journey. He is no Caesar; but he sure gets what is due him.

Child to man and man to uncertain man

Now that the child has grown, and has become a man, he must set out to a land he does not know. Like me, I remember Abram at 75 years who received an instruction to leave the known and head into the unknown. I guess Abram became a man at 75 (you still have time. Lol).

Many folks my age as they experience this “adulting” thing meet it with shock and wonder. I would have it no other way.

I have done due diligence in Web2 space. I have worked with great people who gave me love, warmth, certainty, experience, stability, and all other things that make for a desirable life. These things I do not take for granted, lest I slip into complacency. That is why I must set out again, like a warrior thirsty for a new enemy. Like a warlord hungry for new grounds. Like Odyssey; traveling for destiny. And I have set my sights on Web3. The only way is forward.

If I have come from nothing (such a meagre experience) to be what I have come to be in web2, I am certain that very soon I will make my mark on web3. It is of course an uncertain journey and I will need my trusting crew with me. Except that I have no wooden ship like Sparrow’s Black Pearl. Neither am I a captain. But I have you to follow me on this journey. And I am asking you to come with me. I want you to watch this space and enjoy my growth in real time.

The Unveiling

Just before we set out, there is something you should know.

Whenever you are reading this – be it now or after I am raptured, you should know that this letter was published on my birthday May 6, 2022. On that note, I have a gift for me. And thank you for the birthday wishes.

I have set up this portfolio for myself and I am calling you to the unveiling. I am blowing the candles on this digital cake, unwrapping the gifts, and asking you to take a slice of the cake. So now, please take a tour of my birthday gift – this website. Welcome to my world.

Thank you for reading, and Happy birthday to me.


Favour A


  • Raymond

    You’re phenomenal bro..
    All I see is greatness!!!

  • Emmanuel Jegede

    This is awesome. Happy birthday Favour. This website shows the great work you have done with Web 2.0. I can’t wait for you to bring this brilliance into Web 3.0. I am rooting for you.

  • Kaaranja Daniel

    Woah! The Unveiling indeed.

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